Tuesday, December 18, 2007             6:30 P.M.








Committee Present: Carol White, Chair, Jerry Wiles, Jen Belesca, Ken Pelton, and Beverly


Administration: Superintendent Alton L. Hadley, III




1.             Call to Order

Beverly Johnson, acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.


2.             Flag Salute

Johnson led the Committee and others present in the salute to the flag.


3.      Approval of Agenda                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the agenda

         Moved- Wiles, seconded- White                        Approved            5-0-0


4.      Approval of Minutes                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on December 4, 2007

Moved- White, seconded- Pelton                       Approved            5-0-0


5.      Correspondence                                                           (I)



6.      Public Comment



7.      Reports                                                                      (I)(D)

·      School Board Chair

No Report


·      Superintendent/Principal/SPED Director

Hadley shared with the Committee a letter from Verizon including a check for $11.28 that represented the last royalty check for the Extra Credit for Schools Program.


Hadley also reported that the Commissioner of Education had responded to the Alternative Plan submitted on December 1.  The Commissioner thanked everyone for their hard work and due diligence.  She indicated that we still need to address, by February 1, 2008, our plan to reduce Administration by 50% and Transportation Maintenance, and Special Education by 5% each in the 2008/2009 Budget.  Hadley reported a plan and will make it available when he presents the Budget to the Committee,



8.      Old Business                                                               (I)(D)(A)

a.             Policy ADF – Commitment to Learning Results

The Committee heard a second reading of Policy ADF – Commitment to Learning Results and held a brief discussion.

Motion to approve Policy ADF -  Commitment to Learning Results for a second and final Reading.

Moved- White, seconded- Belesca                      Approved            5-0-0


b.             Continue Goal Setting

The Committee discussed briefly the development of a mission statement and it was the consensus to involve representatives of the community in the process.


c.             Oil Bid Update

Hadley reported to the Committee, again the results of the oil bid that he had received.  He stated that the Town had decided to go out to bid after all and that there was little interest in sitting down with the two suppliers to work out a sharing.  Hadley had suggested this because of the closeness of the two bids with no clear-cut advantage.


The Committee discussed at length the merits of each bid.  Following discussion:


Motion to honor the agreement signed earlier in the year between the Superintendent of Schools and the Chebeague Island Boatyard

Moved- White, seconded- Wiles                  Approved   3-1-1 (Belesca did not participate because of conflict of interest)


9.      New Business                                                              (I)(D)(A)

a.              Warrant #9

The Committee reviewed the warrant.  Hadley pointed out areas that he was monitoring.  The Budget is on target.

Motion to approve Warrant #9

Moved- White, seconded- Belesca              Approved            5-0-0


b.             Superintendent Contract

Superintendent Hadley stated that by law school committees must certify all facts relating to the employment of a superintendent in December of each year.


Hadley proposed the following for the Committeeıs consideration:


·      A two year contract – July 2008 to June 2010

·      Reimbursement of up to $2,500.00 toward Hadleyıs Term Life Insurance Plan


Motion to extend Hadleyıs current contract an additional two years (July 2008- June 2010 and to pay up to $2,500.00 toward his Term Life Insurance Plan.

Moved- Belesca, seconded- White                          Approved            5-0-0


10.     Other Business

·      White proposed adding an extra Boat run on January 7 to accommodate our Japanese exchange students

Motion to authorize the superintendent to arrange for an extra Boat run on January 7, 2008 (to be arranged by Chair White)

Moved- Johnson, seconded- White                         Approved            5-0-0

·      Belesca reported on the healthy snacks program and shared that Linda Eweing would be at school on Thursday to talk about Pecans.

·      The Chebeague Island Community congratulates Kristin Rohrbach Westra on her recent marriage to Jay.

·      The Committee agreed too hold its next regular meeting on January 3 since the 1st of January is a holiday.


11.     Adjourn

         Without objection the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM



A- ACTION                  D- DISCUSSION          I- INFORMATION